The Grading System at the Association of Schools of Capoeira®:

In modern Capoeira Regional, capoeiristas wear different coloured cordas / cordels (a rope/cord worn like a belt) to show what level of training they have. It is up to the master of the group to decide what level students are at, but a master can not grade his/her own students. Another master or other high level Capoeirista must test the Capoeira student who is changing cordas.

Students rise gradually through the different levels, improving technical ability and understanding, knowledge of music, history and traditions, and taking on greater and greater roles of responsibility within the group, and the Capoeira world in general. It takes at least 10 years to reach the level of master, then another 10 years in between master's cordas. That means that a grandmaster has at least 40 years of experience!
Not all schools use the same system, or even the same colours, and in Capoeira Angola, there are no belts.
The Association of Schools of Capoeira uses the following system, from lowest to highest grade


Crua (Raw/No colour): Aluno
Capoeira student.

From novice to more experienced Capoeira student, the personal journey of mastering the basic movements, music, and strategy of Capoeira begins. The student seeks to understand all that their teacher has to offer, while developing their body and mind.

Verde (Green), Crua
Second level student


Third level student


Amarelo (Yellow), Verde
Fourth level


Amarelo, Crua: Monitor/ Aluno Graduado
Graduated Student.

From graduate through to instructor, the focus shifts from self to group, as the student takes more and more responsibility within their school and starts to teach others. They broaden their knowledge of Capoeira history, traditions and philosophy and improve their skills in leading the roda with their berimbau and voice.

Amarelo: Instructor
First level instructor.


Azul (Blue), Amarelo: Instrutor
Second level instructor.


Azul, Crua: Professor
First level teacher.

As a teacher, the student starts to create their own ideas and philosophies about the art and the game inside the roda. They continue to improve their play and musical ability. They play a more and more active part in their group and its decision-making. They become increasingly relied-upon and trusted by their master.

Azul: Professor
Second level teacher.

verde, amarelo, azul, branco
verde, amarelo, azul, branco

Azul, Amarelo, Verde, Branco: Contra-Mestre
Assistant Master.

verde, branco
verde, branco

Verde, Branco: Mestre 1° Grau
1st degree Master of Capoeira.

The student is now a master. Their focus changes from group to wider community. They work to improve their group, Capoeira, and society. The master passes on the benefits of their experience and philosophy to others. They gain higher degrees of mastery in recognition for their work.
amarelo, branco
amarelo, branco

Amarelo, Branco: Mestre 2° Grau
2nd degree Master of Capoeira.

azul, branco
azul, branco

Azul, Branco: Mestre 3° Grau
3rd degree Master of Capoeira.

Branco: Grão-Mestre
Grandmaster of Capoeira.
The master has now played a great role in improving the lives of others. They are highly respected and loved by their many students. The world is impacted by them.
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